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01. Data Format - Considerations

The following pages gives a general introduction to a dataformat which is compatible with GeoCloud and GeoScene3D. It is based on the “Wells_Empty” database which can either be downloaded here or at the GeoScene3D installation destination under templates: “…GeoScene3D\Templates\Wells_Empty.mdb”.

The database can be loaded into “GeoScene3D WellEditor” (upper left corner) which helps formatting the database or it can be done manually. The database is then comatible with both GeoScene3D and GeoCloud. The following pages will give a short guide on how to fill the database with the necessary data.

If the data have to be imported as jupiter format to GeoScene3D and also have to be uploaded to the GeoCloud it is necessary to be aware of depth or elevation of the various data types which will be explained in the following page.

Wells Template Description

GeoScene3D as a Preprocesser

Upload of GeoScene3D export

Import boreholes to GeoScene3D

Permalink geocloud/dataformatfirstconsiderations.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/09 13:54 by sbr