====== 05. LARCOS ====== **//LAR//ge scale geo model management and //CO//llabroration //S//ystem. ** LARCOS is used to maintain a layer model, by allowing multiple users to update a model at the same time but in different areas. There are tools to support quality control, and the changes are to be accepted before the model is updated in the GeoCloud database. There are tree user roles in the system: Regular users, Quality assurance users and Administrators. They all must login [[:geocloud:larcos:login|See (LARCOS Login)]].\\ The administrators handle users and roles. They also have the same privileges as Quality assurance users [[:geocloud:larcos:portaladministration|See (Portal administration)]].\\ The overall workflow starts with a regular user, who checks out a model area and receive the local model data. After an update of the model in **GeoScene3D** the user check in the changes [[:geocloud:larcos:regularuser|See (Regular user).]]\\ Then the Quality assurance users receives an email and can download data for quality control. The model updates can be accepted or rejected [[:geocloud:larcos:qualityassuranceuser|See (Quality assurance user)]]. [[:geocloud:larcos:createkmlfileusingqgis|]] [[:geocloud:larcos:fohmmodelgeoscene3dproject|]] [[:geocloud:larcos:login|]] [[:geocloud:larcos:mapoptionsandlegend|]] [[:geocloud:larcos:portaladministration|]] [[:geocloud:larcos:progressandstatus|]] [[:geocloud:larcos:qualityassuranceuser|]] [[:geocloud:larcos:regularuser|]]